
Request a set of temporary security credentials that your credentials don't provide direct access to.

function AssumeRole(const ARequest: ISTSAssumeRoleRequest): ISTSAssumeRoleResponse; overload; function AssumeRole(const ARoleArn: TARN; const ARoleSessionName: string): ISTSAssumeRoleResponse; overload;
__fastcall ISTSAssumeRoleResponse AssumeRole(const ISTSAssumeRoleRequest ARequest); __fastcall ISTSAssumeRoleResponse AssumeRole(const TARN ARoleArn, const AnsiString ARoleSessionName);

File: AWS.STS.pas 

Namespace: AWS.STS 

Module: Appercept AWS SDK for Delphi 

const ARequest: ISTSAssumeRoleRequest
An AssumeRole request object.
const ARoleArn: TARN
An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for an IAM role to assume.
const ARoleSessionName: string
An identifier for the assumed role session.

Response containing AssumeRole results.

The web identity that was passed is expired or invalid.
The request was rejected because the policy document was malformed.
The request was rejected beacuse the total packed size of the session policies and tags combined was too large.
AWS STS is not activated in the region for the account being asked to generate credentials.
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