
Record representing queue poller statistical values.

TSQSQueuePollerStatistics = record LastMessageReceivedAt: TDateTime; PollingStartedAt: TDateTime; PollingStoppedAt: TDateTime; ReceivedMessageCount: Integer; RequestCount: Integer; end;
struct TSQSQueuePollerStatistics { TDateTime LastMessageReceivedAt; TDateTime PollingStartedAt; TDateTime PollingStoppedAt; int ReceivedMessageCount; int RequestCount; };

File: AWS.SQS.pas 

Namespace: AWS.SQS 

Module: Appercept AWS SDK for Delphi 

LastMessageReceivedAt: TDateTime;
Date and time the last message was received.
PollingStartedAt: TDateTime;
Date and time the polling was started at.
PollingStoppedAt: TDateTime;
Date and time the polling was stopped at. Will be 0 if still polling.
ReceivedMessageCount: Integer;
Number of messages received to date.
RequestCount: Integer;
Number of polling requests made to date.
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