
Constructor for TSQSAddPermissionRequest class.

constructor Create(const AActionNames: array of string; const AAWSAccountIds: array of string; APermissionLabel: string; AQueueUrl: string);
__fastcall TSQSAddPermissionRequest(const array of string AActionNames, const array of string AAWSAccountIds, AnsiString APermissionLabel, AnsiString AQueueUrl);

File: AWS.SQS.pas 

Namespace: AWS.SQS 

Module: Appercept AWS SDK for Delphi 

const AActionNames: array of string
List of action names to grant to the principal.
const AAWSAccountIds: array of string
List of AWS account numbers of the principals to be granted permissions.
APermissionLabel: string
Unique identification label for the permission.
AQueueUrl: string
A URL of an Amazon SQS queue on which to add permission.
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