
Adds an entry to the batch request.

function AddEntry(const AId: string; const AReceiptHandle: string; AVisibilityTimeout: TOptional<Integer>): Integer; overload; function AddEntry(const AId: string; const AReceiptHandle: string): Integer; overload;
__fastcall int AddEntry(const AnsiString AId, const AnsiString AReceiptHandle, TOptional<Integer> AVisibilityTimeout); __fastcall int AddEntry(const AnsiString AId, const AnsiString AReceiptHandle);

File: AWS.SQS.pas 

Namespace: AWS.SQS 

Module: Appercept AWS SDK for Delphi 

const AId: string
A unique identifier used to communicate the results of this entry in the results.
const AReceiptHandle: string
The receipt handle of the message whose visibility timeout is to be changed.
AVisibilityTimeout: TOptional<Integer>
New value for the message's visibility timeout in seconds. Valid range from 0 to 43200 (12 hours).

The index of the added entry.

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