
Creates an endpoint for a device and mobile app on a push notification platform.

function CreatePlatformEndpoint(const ARequest: ISNSCreatePlatformEndpointRequest): ISNSCreatePlatformEndpointResponse; overload; function CreatePlatformEndpoint(const APlatformApplicationArn: TARN; AToken: string): ISNSCreatePlatformEndpointResponse; overload;
__fastcall ISNSCreatePlatformEndpointResponse CreatePlatformEndpoint(const ISNSCreatePlatformEndpointRequest ARequest); __fastcall ISNSCreatePlatformEndpointResponse CreatePlatformEndpoint(const TARN APlatformApplicationArn, AnsiString AToken);

File: AWS.SNS.pas 

Namespace: AWS.SNS 

Module: Appercept AWS SDK for Delphi 

const ARequest: ISNSCreatePlatformEndpointRequest
A CreatePlatformEndpoint request object.
const APlatformApplicationArn: TARN
An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a platform application. As returned from CreatePlatformApplication.
AToken: string
Unique identifier created by the notification service for an app on a device.

Response containing CreatePlatformEndpoint results.

The user has been denied access to the requested resource.
One of the request parameters does not comply with the associated constraints.
One of the request parameters does not comply with the associated constraints.
Indicated the specified phone number has opted out of receiving SMS messages from your AWS account.
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