
Sets attributes for a topic.

function SetTopicAttributes(const ARequest: ISNSSetTopicAttributesRequest): ISNSSetTopicAttributesResponse; overload; function SetTopicAttributes(const AAttributeName: string; const AAttributeValue: string; ATopicArn: TARN): ISNSSetTopicAttributesResponse; overload;
__fastcall ISNSSetTopicAttributesResponse SetTopicAttributes(const ISNSSetTopicAttributesRequest ARequest); __fastcall ISNSSetTopicAttributesResponse SetTopicAttributes(const AnsiString AAttributeName, const AnsiString AAttributeValue, TARN ATopicArn);

File: AWS.SNS.pas 

Namespace: AWS.SNS 

Module: Appercept AWS SDK for Delphi 

const ARequest: ISNSSetTopicAttributesRequest
A SetTopicAttributes request object.
const AAttributeName: string
The attribute name to set. One of: DeliveryPolicy | DisplayName | Policy | KmsMasterKeyId | ContentBasedDeduplication.
const AAttributeValue: string
The new value for the attribute.
ATopicArn: TARN
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic for which to set attributes on.

Response containing SetTopicAttributes results.

The user has been denied access to the requested resource.
One of the request parameters does not comply with the associated constraints.
One of the request parameters does not comply with the associated constraints.
Requests must use HTTPS and signed with valid credentials using Signature Version 4.
The requested resource does not exist.
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