
Constructor for TSWaiter.

constructor Create(const AClient: IS3Client; const AMaxAttempts: Integer = 20; const ADelay: Integer = 5000; const ABeforeAttempt: TProc<IS3Waiter> = nil; const ABeforeWait: TProc<IS3Waiter> = nil);
__fastcall TS3Waiter(const IS3Client AClient, const int AMaxAttempts = 20, const int ADelay = 5000, const TProc<IS3Waiter> ABeforeAttempt = null, const TProc<IS3Waiter> ABeforeWait = null);

File: AWS.S3.pas 

Namespace: AWS.S3 

Module: Appercept AWS SDK for Delphi 

const AClient: IS3Client
Specifies an S3 client used to perform operations.
const AMaxAttempts: Integer = 20
Specifies the maximum number of attempts made while waiting. Defaults to 20.
const ADelay: Integer = 5000
Specifies the delay between attempts in milliseconds. Defaults to 5000 (5 seconds).
const ABeforeAttempt: TProc<IS3Waiter> = nil
A callback called before each attempt.
const ABeforeWait: TProc<IS3Waiter> = nil
A callback called before each wait (sleep).
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