
Constructor for TAWSSharedConfig.

constructor Create(const AProfileName: string; AConfigFilePath: string = ''; ACredentialsFilePath: string = ''; AEnvironment: IAWSEnvironment = nil); overload;
__fastcall TAWSSharedConfig(const AnsiString AProfileName, AnsiString AConfigFilePath = '', AnsiString ACredentialsFilePath = '', IAWSEnvironment AEnvironment = null);

File: AWS.Core.pas 

Namespace: AWS.Core 

Module: Appercept AWS SDK for Delphi 

const AProfileName: string
Profile name to be used for fetching values.
AConfigFilePath: string = ''
Optional path to a config file to use. If left unset, the default file will be used if it exists.
ACredentialsFilePath: string = ''
Optional path to a shared credentials file to use. If left unset, the default file will be used if it exists.
AEnvironment: IAWSEnvironment = nil
Optional environment object. If left unset a default environment object will be used.
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